Predictive Research
Intelligence System
Predictive Investigation for reports
Provides suggestions for case resolutions automatically.
Predective Research Intelligence System (PRIS) is our next generation of service by which we take advantage of artificial intelligence and machine learning along with the indicators and anonymous data of our whistleblower hotlines.
PRIS provides unprecedented support to our clients with investigation, resolution, risk mitigation and decision making on different reports filed within the organization through:
Selection of the most appropriate investigation plan for the corresponding case.
Better alternatives to solve a case with maximum benefits for our clients.
Type of evidence needed to substantiate the case.
Types of interview and corresponding questions for parties involved according to the characteristics of the case.
Some practical examples of how PRIS helps in an investigation and resolution of different incidents:
What would be the ideal investigation plan for a case of financial fraud?
What kind of questions should be asked in an extortion case?
What type of evidence should be sought in cases of female harassment in an organization of a specific industry?
ho could be a witness in a case of abuse of authority and what questions should be asked during the investigation?
How to investigate the theft or sabotage of a specific asset in a certain region or department?
What type of sanction is more convenient according to the severity and type of offense?
How does PRIS work?
PRIS is separate service to the Ethics Reporting System that extracts daily non-sensitive information from cases and stores them in its database so our clients, through an EthicsGlobal executive, can consult reports with suggestions for risk assessment.
You can ask our ethics officers for suggestions on assessing the risk of a particular case and you will be provided with a basic risk assessment, references on actions and resolutions of other similar cases stored in our databases without compromising any sensitive data or private information on any report we receive.